1)Check if we have a repository already in place by using lsrep.
Padmini$ Isrep.
2) Verify storage availability in VIO server for creating repository.
Padmin$ lssp
3) Create new repository with approximately 8Gb in size to keep binaries.
padmin$ mkrep -sp rootvg -size 8G
4) Repeat step 1 to verify repository is in place.
5) Create Virtual optical device by using client SCSI adapter.
Note :VhostX is VIO client SCSI adapter ID.
6) Map the VOD to the vhost adapter.
Padmin$ lsmap –vadapter vhostX
7) Create ISO image from AIX DVD as a root User. (It may take 1 to 1.5 hour to copy image from DVD to on your local repository.
#dd if=/dev/cd0 of=/var/vio/VMLibrary/AIX61DVD1.iso bs=1m
8) Configure iso files with Read only mode. Padmin
$ chvopt -name AIX61DVD1.iso -access ro
9) Load the ISO image as padmin user to VIO Client.
Padmin$ loadopt –vtd opt_vhostX –disk AIX61DVD1.iso
10) Release the VTD device once OS is loaded on to VIO client.
Padmin$ unloadopt -release -vtd opt_vhostX
Padmini$ Isrep.
2) Verify storage availability in VIO server for creating repository.
Padmin$ lssp
3) Create new repository with approximately 8Gb in size to keep binaries.
padmin$ mkrep -sp rootvg -size 8G
4) Repeat step 1 to verify repository is in place.
5) Create Virtual optical device by using client SCSI adapter.
Padmin$ mkvedev –vadapter vhostX –fbo –dev opt_vhostX
Note :VhostX is VIO client SCSI adapter ID.
6) Map the VOD to the vhost adapter.
Padmin$ lsmap –vadapter vhostX
7) Create ISO image from AIX DVD as a root User. (It may take 1 to 1.5 hour to copy image from DVD to on your local repository.
#dd if=/dev/cd0 of=/var/vio/VMLibrary/AIX61DVD1.iso bs=1m
8) Configure iso files with Read only mode. Padmin
$ chvopt -name AIX61DVD1.iso -access ro
9) Load the ISO image as padmin user to VIO Client.
Padmin$ loadopt –vtd opt_vhostX –disk AIX61DVD1.iso
10) Release the VTD device once OS is loaded on to VIO client.
Padmin$ unloadopt -release -vtd opt_vhostX